Sunday, June 21, 2009

欢乐一日游 Outing as a tourist

开开心心等待上游船 Awaiting to board the Singapore River Cruise

永春媳妇全神贯注 Paying great attention

碧云戏弄五十年代交警 Teasing the policeman on duty

郑桂发会长和黄兴 Chairman Teh Kwi Huat & Ng Heng

会务顾问林曼椿与夫人 Family Day for the Lims

新加坡永春会馆(康乐股) 举办“欢乐一日游” 21-06-2009

“吏舍局终年, 出郊旷清曙.”

终年工务拘束缠扰, 迎着清晨的曙光到郊外游, 使人心旷神怡.

六月廾一日星期天新加坡永春会馆康乐股举办 “欢乐一日游”,
机会难逢, 许多乡亲一大清早就到会馆聚合, 由主任张金明带队,
一行四十人兴致勃勃上巴士前往滨海提坝 (Marina Barrage). 这
横跨于滨海水道上的水坝是我国第一个城市中的蓄水池, 也是最新
的水供来源, 是个海变奇观, 大家大开眼界.

耒到新加坡河休闲游 (Singapore River Cruise), 乘着曾在历史悠久的码头运载货物的驳船,沿着河流游览,观赏河畔新与旧, 想到前辈在此河上搬运货物, 经过大华银行大厦,想起往日常到外公的办公室旧址,另有一番滋味在心头.

大家期待乘坐的摩天观景轮( Singapore Flyer)到了. 这是世界最大型的观景轮.
卅分钟的旅程,高高在上, 不但可 欣赏新加坡美丽的景致, 还可看到邻国,太迷人了.

享用午餐後, 到新加坡陆路交通展览馆(Land Transport Gallery),
体验交通系统, 游天下, 忆往昔, 觅足迹, 看今朝, 迎挑战, 展未来, 这是游览
的六个主题. 见到郑古悦巴士的照片, 坐在陈旧的三轮车上, 往事只能回味.

这次的一日游不仅带给乡亲欢乐和美好的回忆,还使大家 有机会一起交流,促井彼此感情,

新加坡河休闲游 Singapore River Cruise

三轮车跑得快,上面坐个老太太 Old lady in the trishaw

张金明领导在 摩天观景轮 Our tour leader in another flyer

新加坡旅客 Singapore tourist


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Church Camp 2009 圣经营

我们的笃信长老会生命堂一年一度举办的圣经营结束了. 蒙主恩,我和星群有机会在马六甲参加这聚会, 认识许多主内兄弟姐妹,大家一起听福音,一起祷告,一起歌颂赞美主,无拘无束,不分贵贱或穷富,互相交流,其乐无穷.

非常感激牧师 Pastor David Yan 的传道,使我深深提会到人生要过得简单快乐,与世无争,把一切烦恼抛开,相信主撑管宇宙一切, 与主同在,蒙受主恩,好温馨啊!

这次有机会与教会驻外工作人员交谈,他们来至肯雅,印尼,柬埔寨,和泰国等地. 他们为主工作,不屈不挠,任劳任怨, 这种精神值得赞扬和钦佩.

By God's grace, we had the opportunity to join in the Church Camp which we both find soul-searching and full of the holy spirit. We believe the sermons had given us a re-look at life as we often struggle between earthly possession and heavenly inheritance. We have gained much from this Church Camp and would like to summarize in the passages below:--


We believe it was God's will that all the campers were able to come together to listen to the preaching and meditation of God's words by Paster David Yan. We prayed as a group and sang psalms and hymns and spiritual songs together (Col.3:16) to praise and worship our God. We were delighted to feel the presence of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ in the midst of us all as we prayed and worshipped Him.(Mat.18:20)


We got to know many more brothers and sisters in Christ in casual atmosphere. We thank God for the opportunity to meet up with the overseas missionaries and in talks with them about their works in their respective mission fields in Kenya, Cambodia, Thailand & Batam. We admire their unconditional love for God and their hardship in spreading the gospel. Pray that God will continue to strengthen and protect them.

Lastly, we like to thank God for his providence in our retirement years as we meditate on Psalm 37:25 " I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." Amen