Sunday, September 24, 2006

庆祝 En Xin Ma Ma's XX 大寿

En Xin Ma Ma XX 生日到了,她敬爱的哥哥为她举辦了个大宴会,我们大大小小,老老少少开开心心迎接这难忘的好佳日,我们不停得提醒 birthday girl 今年她已是 XX 岁了,我记得她是在 Hill St 一家私人的婦產科珍所出世, 我们在家急待着她的到来,一轉眼就是 XX 年,她长大了,我也老了!!!

思欣乖乖一起和我们坐着用餐,帶着她去拿食物,她好奇的问我 " Why we take the food ourselves?" 我解釋给她 "This is buffet. You help yourself with the food. Take what you like to eat". 她似懂非懂的点头.
她很喜欢吃 kuay kuay, 我告訢她这是 "九層糕", 她也跟着说,非常有趣.
昨晚最开心是小恩欣,她吃得好多,白饭,牛肉湯,牛肉,鸡肉,蛋糕,九層糕, ice cream in cone, jelly, 西瓜,蜜瓜....... 不輪大人,幸好餐厅有这个policy :"Children below 12 no charge"!

可憐 En Rui 不舒服,整晚要妈妈抱, 她妈没安心吃顿生日饭,这是偉大的母爱.


Anonymous said...

thank you, jiumu, for joining in my birthday celebrations almost every year, and sometimes hosting it,too. last weekend i was just outside crystal jade restaurant in paragon, and it brough back fond memories of my birthday 2 years ago, when jiu jiu and jiu mu gave surprise birthday lunch. en rui was still in my tummy and jiu mu bot lanterns for en xin. thank you for your kindness and generosity :)

Jiumu said...

Getting old, cannot remember what I did yesterday let alone things happened two years ago. Glad that you still appreciate what I did for you long long time ago. Worth my effort.
Sorry lah, this year no lanterns for the two girls. I think the father should buy and he did. right?
Very very tired after the trip. So no blog yet.