Sunday, October 21, 2007

生日宴会 Birthday Party

长寿蛋白干贝面线 - 干贝鲜甜,面线味道特优.
难得外甥和舅母 慢慢欣赏长寿面线, 默默祝福彼此身体健康,永远快乐.
一支蜡烛代表几岁 ??
柯博士妹妹昨晚提前替老哥庆祝生日, 正日是下星期,给他自己的空间吧!
我们到"国泰"饭店,菜式不错,招待平平. 我们点得不是大鱼大肉,所以价钱还不高.
我提义明年选一个吉日,一家大小一齐庆祝生日,每家付钱,那时就可来个红烧翅,原汁大粒鲍鱼,脆皮烧猪,其他山珍海味, 多好? 思仁赞成小吃一定要,一年一度大吃这主意也行.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

猜一猜 Make a guess

No 1
No 2
No 3

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


In our golf club many lady golfers have achieved hole-in-one. One
even had two hole-in-one in a game of 18 holes! How I envy them.
I suppose to get a hole-in-one is every golfer's dream.

This morning in Ellen Dege's show, she interviewed this "young" lady golfer
who just had a hole-in-one at the age of 102.How about that? Her two other flight mates, in their 90s were her witnesses. She was presented with a bright red buggy. These ladies play regular golf, they drive the buggy, they enjoy life.

So friends, we should not be despaired. Guess we still have many more years to reach 102 and also to reach our goal - to achieve a hole-in-one!!!!